1. Like to receive your club MaG by email?
An option in the near future - rather than by post. If so please email Secretary Miles. Thanks.
COMING EVENTS - for the calendar
1. President's BBQ and Concours - Fri. 24th Jan.
6pm - Cracroft Guiding Centre - 151 Cashmere Rd.
6 - 7 pm: CMG Motors will have the all-electric MG Cyberster and the just released Hybrid MG ZS on display.
Bring chairs, table and your 'main course'. BBQ's provided for your meat, and hot water available. Seasonal dessert provided - bring a spoon.
Do consider entering your car in the CONCOURS ... let others see your car presented at its finest. It may not win, but others will appreciate the chance to admire it! Concours entries not needed in advance - on arrival you will be directed to the judging area.
General - the first 2 guidelines are:
- All cars must be driven to their respective Concours positions.
- Cars should be presented with hoods up and driver’s side screen removed, or window down. Bonnets, boots or side screen boxes should be left open for judging, and tool kits should be displayed in front of the car.
Paul McWilliam 03 981 1592, 022 166 4578
Concours queries: Roger Foy 027 839 1938,
2. Club Night - Fri. 31st Jan.
7.00pm Richmond Club; meal 7.30pm
Meal 7.30pm after paid for ($35), drinks ordered and table chosen. Fun, social and informative evening.
Something special: given kitchen renovations at the Richmond Club, we are on this occasion being provided with a buffet meal at no additional cost.
If not phoned by a committee member and you wish to attend contact Secretary Miles Winter or text 021 344 883 (not phone) before mid-day Wednesday as catering numbers are needed.
Please avoid cancelling for other than health or crisis as we do pay for meals of non-attendees - thanks.
3. Hurunui (Horse) Races & Gala Day - Sat. 1st Feb.
We gather at Waikari at 10am. - $10p.p. entry collected.
We then drive in convoy to the track and our prime MG parking area - a different entrance to the public. A fun country race day.
More details to follow.
Miles Winter 021 344 883
# Nelson Run - Sun. 2nd Feb. -
Queen Charlotte Tavern - Linkwater
See emails -
# Nelson Tuesday Coffee Mornings
- usually 2nd Tues. of month
4. Motorkhana - Sun. 16th Feb.
Blatchford Farm - Waipara
Bob McIntosh 021 0871 8057
5. MMM Run - Wed 19th Feb.
Stuart & Crystal Munro, 022 164 1004
# Pre-56 MG Rally - 1st - 6th March
Palmerston North.
Pat Widdup 022 368 3128, Lynette Love 027 244 5806
6. Sunset Run - Sun 2nd Mar.
Paul & Serena McWilliam, 022 166 4578
7. Club Night - THURS 6th Mar.
ARA - catered by students/staff
Leonid & Elena Itskovich 022 088 0937
8. MMM Run - Wed 19th Mar
Andrew Moss
9. Levels Raceway - Sat. 22nd Mar.
Timed track events - circuits, motorkhana
Bob McIntosh, 021 0871 805711.
10. Club Night - Fri. 4th Apr.
11. Last of Summer Wine/Kimber Run - Sun. 6th Apr.
12. MMM Run - Wed. 16th Apr.
13. ANZAC Weekend - Fri. 25th Apr.
- possible weekend run
14. Club Night - Fri. 2nd May
15. Astronomy Evening - Wed. 14th May
- conditions allowing. Bob McIntosh
17. MMM Run - Wed 21 May
2026 MG National Rally - 7th - 14th Feb. Dunedin, Invercargill, Cromwell.